Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

I was on the "internet" earlier today and came across MTV's just released list of the top 10 movie badasses. Its a great list, and can be found here: http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1604506/story.jhtml

At the top of the list is "Dirty" Harry Callahan, the iconic character played by Clint Eastwood. I have seen all 5 of the Dirty Harry movies, although it has been several years. So a month or so ago, I rewatched the original film, surprisingly enough titled Dirty Harry. I had forgotten just how great that character is. Nothing beats the looks of disdain on Harry's face when he has to deal with red tape, or the look of satisfaction when he has just cornered his perp.

This first film is loosely based on the events surrounding the investigation of the real Zodiac Killer, renamed Scorpio here. Scorpio is played by Andrew Robinson, and this guy will really give you the creeps.

Anyway, do yourself a favor and check out the #1 movie badass of all-time.

Transmission out.


  1. In regard to the first clip, Dirty Harry shouldn't assume. What if that guy was collecting for the red cross? In regard to the last one, is it wrong that I laughed during the entire clip? That guy's a riot!

  2. Of course its wrong. That's why it feels so right.
