Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's the deal with the blog title?

If anyone ever reads this blog, you may be asking yourself what's with the somewhat strange title? What's with the underworld thing? Well, without going into too much detail, I'll just say that something happened to me last year that turned my world upside down. I'm still among the living, but I feel like my life has left me. I wake up every morning feeling like I'm getting ready for a funeral, and to make matters worse, I live with the guilt that I am at fault. Sometimes life can really kick you in the balls, but its even worse when it does it with your own foot.

Anyway, I'll try to avoid any long posts that make you feel like the old woman sitting next to Ted Striker in Airplane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDznA8qKPSE), and maybe this blog won't cause a rash of suicides among my many subscribers. Hopefully I'll have some funny things to say, or at least some things that make you think. Until next time.

Transmission out

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