Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Future is Unknown

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch Elvis play Jimi Hendrix songs while dressed like a cross between Eddie Munster and Martin Short's character in The Three Amigos? Well, consider your curiosity satisfied once you've witnessed the brilliance of Unknown Hinson. He calls himself a country western troubador, professes to hate rock music (he pronounces it rawk), and refers to women as womerns. His songs are about the seedier elements in society, and they may even be semi-autobiographical. They include lines such as "I can't believe you're pregnant again," and "I make faces when I make love." While his music is admittedly not for all tastes, particularly to those who take him too seriously, there can be no denying that as a live act, he and his band are something to behold. I saw them at The Dame in Lexington a couple of years ago, and they were awesome. They did a cover of Manic Depression that was insanely good. (Here's a link to a video of them playing it sometime last year. They are also very open to their fans, as they generally hang around after shows to mingle. So do yourself a favor, and check him out. I have a link to his homepage on the left side of the page.

Transmission out

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